Introduction: Pass on-lay Up Toilet Seat


With this Instructable we want to explain the way that we fabricated a toilet seat with a resin and fiberglass mold. This piece is section of a larger cartesian product Detachable Toilet Seat, but for its complexness and make for time information technology deserved a single explanation. During the Instructable will be some references to the other project.


  • Foam (PU, insulation foam)
  • Fibreglass (fine and rough)
  • Topcoat Polyester (PE)
  • Polyester resin with the hardener
  • Bronze bit (explained how to manufactur it in ...)


  • Brushes
  • Syringe
  • Hammer
  • Knife
  • Sandpaper


  • CNC machine
  • Miltitool (Bosch)

Footstep 1: Heel Files

Prepare all the dog files with the desirable configuration of the seating. Install the right parameters which will be essential to cut it in the foam with the CNC milling machine. Here we attach the files we used for this (made in Siemens NX, prepared files in protomold), which you can download and modify if this is necessary.

Step 2: Prepare Fizz

Take a piece of insulation foam and cut information technology in the right dimensions. These measures will look on the CNC milling machine that is going to be used. In our case, we had to divide the foam piece and produce it in 4 parts, as shown in the picture.

Once the machine has finished with all the parts, it is time to seat it in a wood base, fix them together and backbone information technology until it doesn't take over imperfections.

Whole step 3: First Stratum

Put a first layer of fine fiberglass with the PE rosin in the froth model with the facilitate of a brush. When it's totally snow-clad, let IT sugarless. When it has dried, sand the reinforced mold once again until it's totally glassy.

Tone: to facilitate the work on, cut the fiberglass in strips or pieces that fits in your determine and prepare the polyester fabric resin previously. The preparation of the resin bequeath be finished A described on the packaging (in our case, we intermingled 2% of hardener of the amount of resin with this one).

Step 4: Topcoat

Put a layer of the Polyester topcoat happening the mold and, like in the old step, wee-wee everything smooth, using wet sandpaper.

Step 5: Release Agent for Composites

Put several layers (5-6) of mold release agent for composites, and so the mildew is ready for the lay-up.

Step 6: Lay-up

For the lay up, part with adding 1 stratum of dustlike fiberglass patc dabbing the resin on top of it. When this is dry, add a layer of rough fiberglass and saturate with the PE rosin. Ready sure enough that the fiberglass is equitably shared out all around the moulding.

Note: to alleviate the work, cut the fiberglass in strips surgery pieces that fits in your mold and prepare the polyester rosin previously. The preparation of the rosin will be done as described connected the packaging (in our case, we mixed 2% of hardener of the amount of resin with this one).

In the video you can see how we did this step and the next one, recorded in a time-backsliding.

Step 7: Metal Pieces

Place the already made welded metal pieces (the producing of this is explained in the instructable Detachable Toilet Seat, as the relaxation of the process that the seating will follow) in the conservative lay out inside the mold and put some Sir Thomas More fiberglass layers on the top of the plate, soh these will be fixed to the seating. Then, coating the laic-up with a layer of rough fiberglass and, on upper side of it, a layer of all right fiberglass, always fixing the pieces of fiber with the resin. Let this dry.

Step 8: Separate From the Mold

Carve u the fiberglass seating of the foam mold (in our case, the foam didn't survived and we needed extra tools like a hammer and a knife, to disunite it). Clean it and withdraw all the duplicate material.

Step 9: Finish the Borders

Cut down the unscheduled fibreglass along the edges with the multitool and Sand all the borders with the sandpaper until IT's silklike. Now your seating area is prepare!

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